显示 10-18 个结果(共 19 个结果)

氟甲睾酮|Halobol|Alpha Pharma

氟甲睾酮|Halobol|Alpha Pharma,化学名Fluoxymesterone tablets 5mg


氟甲睾酮Halobol is indicated for replacement therapy in conditions associated with deficiency or absence of endogenous testosterone such as primary hypogonadism, testicular failure, delayed puberty or metastatic mammary cancer in females.


Each carton contains 50 tablets of 5mg each.


氧雄龙,Anavar(Oxandrolone),一种广受赞誉的口服类固醇,专为那些寻求增强肌肉质量而不增加体重的运动员和健身爱好者设计。特别适合于减脂周期,因其能够有效增加肌肉硬度和密度,同时帮助减少体内脂肪,保持精瘦体型。此外,它的温和性质使得副作用相对较低,是初学者和女性用户的理想选择。选择Alpha Pharma的氧雄龙,让您的健身之路更加高效,安全。

水剂群勃龙 Androxine


Trenbolone Aq Suspension 50mg


Androxine is indicated in treatment of severe muscular dystrophy and severe unrelated muscular catabolism as well as acute growth failure.


Each carton contains 10 ampoules of 1ml (50mg/1ml) Note : As per June 2014 the primary packaging has been changed to amber coloured ampoules.

注射大力补|Alphabolin|Alpha Pharma

注射大力补|Alphabolin|Alpha Pharma

该产品为口服大力补的针剂形式,化学名Methenolone Enanthate 100mg Indications

Alphabolin is indicated for treatment of aplastic anaemia which are or may be responsive to anabolic androgens, cachexia and replacement therapy for males with androgenic deficiencies.

Presentation Each carton contains 5 ampoules of 1ml (100mg/ml) or one vial of 10ml (100mg/ml)

混合睾酮|Induject-250|复合睾酮|Alpha Pharma


混合睾酮|Induject-250|复合睾酮|Alpha Pharma,Testosterone Combination 250mg


混合睾酮Induject-250 is indicated for use in hormone replacement therapy, rejuvenation therapy, panhypopituitarism and female breast cancer.


Each carton contains 10 ampoules of 1ml (250mg/ml) or one vial of 10ml (250mg/ml).


混合睾酮250|SUSTANON-250|Meditech,英文名TESTOSTERONE BLEND Massive strength & weight gain. Great testosterone mix for peak blood levels.
Potency : 250 mg / ml
Appearance : Oil based solution
Dosage : 250 mg - 750 mg / week
Packing : Supplied in a clear 10ml glass vial with red flip-off cap & labeled box

甲基屈他雄酮 Mastoral

Mastoral 甲基屈他雄酮Methyl-Drostanolone 10mg Indications 甲基屈他雄酮Mastoral is indicated for treatment of breast cancer in elderly post-menopausal as part of aspecific immunotherapy. Presentation Each carton contains 50 tablets of 10mg each.

苯丙酸诺龙|NandroRapid|Alpha Pharma


苯丙酸诺龙|NandroRapid|Alpha Pharma,化学名Nandrolone Phenylpropionate 100mg


苯丙酸诺龙NandroRapid is indicated for treatment of anemia's, breast carcinoma, hereditary angioedema, antithrombin III deficiency, fibrinogen excess, growth failure and Turner's syndrome and prophylaxis of hereditary angioedema.


Each carton contains 10 ampoules of 1ml (100mg/ml) or one vial of 10ml (100mg/ml)

购买克伦特罗|Astralean|Alpha Pharma

Alpha Pharma的克伦特罗Astralean(Clenbuterol)是一种强效的β2-受体激动剂,广泛用于减脂和提高肌肉分离度。每片含有40微克,Astralean通过增加体内代谢率,促进脂肪分解和热量消耗,使其成为健美运动员和减脂人士的理想选择。此外,Clenbuterol还具有轻微的抗分解代谢作用,帮助保持瘦肌肉质量。购买克伦特罗体验快速有效的脂肪燃烧和显著的体型优化效果。