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11酸睾酮|TEST U250|Pharmacom

11酸睾酮|TEST U250|Pharmacom (Testosterone Undecanoate) is a very long testosterone ester (half-life ~ 30-36 days). Due to the long half-life, TU is successfully used as hormone replacement therapy (HRT). When using TU, the frequency of testosterone injections can be reduced to 1 time every 2-3 months! In bodybuilding, TU is used as a basis for very long (“eternal”) cycles, allowing you to reduce the frequency of injections while maintaining a smooth hormonal background. In the “eternal” cycle, the frequency of injections can be every 2-6 weeks. On HRT – every 2-3 months.A single introduction of 750mg TU will create a three-month background at the level of the physiological norm. A dosage of 1500-2500 mg of TU per month is suitable for an eternal cycle. For HRT – 1000mg TU every 2-3 months.With a half-life of around 30-36 days, it is a very slow release ester, than PHARMATEST C 250 (Testosterone Cypionate).


GW1516 (also known as Endurobol) ) is not a steroid; it is a selective agonist of peroxisome proliferator-activator receptors (PPARs). It was originally developed for the treatment of obesity, diabetes mellitus, dyslipidemia and cardiovascular diseases. 




PHARMA MIX1 is  an excellent and convenient stack of three drugs suitable for bulking. With a decent balance of potency and side effects, it is suitable for beginners and professionals alike.

WARNING: if you are going to use a high concentrated drug for the first time, we strongly recommend to inject only ½ ml to check the body reaction and to prevent possible side effects, which can include post injection pain (PIP), high body temperature, lumps, etc.


PHARMA MIX 2 The pride of Pharmacom Labs! We think it is the best combination for shedding fat and attaining an impeccably lean and muscular physique. With convenience in mind, only three injections are needed per week to reap the benefits of this incredibly potent synergetic stack of three powerful drugs!


PHARMA MIX4 One of the best Mixes in the world to gain the bulk muscle as efficient as possible!  

WARNING: if you are going to use a high concentrated drug for the first time, we strongly recommend to inject only ½ ml to check the body reaction and to prevent possible side effects, which can include post injection pain (PIP), high body temperature, lumps, etc.