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PHARMA MIX5 This is a blend of 3 ester-free compounds, which act fast, but incredibly effective. This is probably one of the best in the world pre-workout stimulants. Make only one 1 ml injection 1-2 hours before training and feel the full power sleeping in you!


PHARMA MIX6 This is our last development among mixes! The version of PHARMA MIX-2, but with long esters! There is nothing to say more, you have just to try it! 

PHARMA MIX 6 - Push Your Genetic Potential to the Absolute Edge!


TIROS,T3, Triiodothyronine is a thyroid hormone, that greatly affects almost every physiological process in the body, including growth and development, metabolism, body temperature, and heart rate. This hormone is involved in many cellular functions including the metabolism of carbohydrates, fats and proteins. When an individual is no longer producing enough of this hormone on his own, such as when suffering from hypothyroidism, the metabolism does not function properly. When suffering from hypothyroidism, the individual will find body fat gain to be very common and fat loss becomes extremely difficult. The individual also often experiences a loss of energy and even hair loss in some cases. By supplementing with T3 this provides the body with the thyroid hormone it needs and the problem is solved.

丙酸屈他雄酮 DRO-P100

丙酸屈他雄酮PHARMA DRO P 100 (Drostanolone propionate) is one of the best drugs to get lean and dense muscles as for price-quality ratio. With a half-life of around 1-1.5 days, it is relatively much faster form of Drostanolone Enanthate and perfectly suits for shorter and cutting cycles. Chemical name: (2α,5α,17β)-2-Methyl-3-oxoandrostan-17-yl propanoate Formula: C23H36O3 Anabolic activity index: 62% Androgenic activity index: 25%

丙酸睾酮|TEST P100|Pharmacom

丙酸睾酮|TEST P100|Pharmacom (Testosterone Propionate) is one of top-selling products of Pharmacom Labs. It is highly recommended as the base of both mass building and cutting cycles. Testosterone is responsible for promoting health and well-being through enhanced libido, energy, immunity, increased fat loss, gaining and maintaining lean muscle mass, preventing Osteoporosis (loss of bone density), and possible protection against heart disease. It combines excellently with many other compounds both oral and injectable (preferably short esters) as part of a potent stack. 

With a half-life of around 1-1.5 days, it is a fast release ester, excellent for shorter cycles and for minimizing bloat.

代卡300-NAN D300

代卡300,PHARMA NAN D 300 (Nandrolone decanoate) is considered to be a classic drug for muscle bulk gain. Due to significant retention of water in muscles during the cycle, bulk growth occurs to be significantly faster. Combines well with long esters of testosterone.

With a half-life of around 6-7 days, it has slow release intended for long cycles.




Clomos (克罗米芬 - clomiphene citrate) is a non-steroidal selective estrogen receptor modulator (SERM) of the triphenylethylene group. Clomiphene was developed and approved for use in the early 1970s for the treatment of female infertility and later on subsequently expanded to treating male infertility as well.