显示 37-45 个结果(共 51 个结果)



混合睾酮500 - PHARMA SUST 500

混合睾酮500,PHARMA SUST 500. This is our modified version of Sustanon®. Due to implementing technologies of high-percentage drug synthesis we managed to create a double-concentrated blend as compared to the standard Sustanon® version.

混合群勃龙 3-TREN-200

混合群勃龙 PHARMA 3 TREN 200 is a blend of 3 trenbolone esters: acetate, enanthateand hexahydrobenzylcarbonate. One vial – three forms of the most aggressive drug ever manufactured. It is highly valued for its ability to increase muscle hardness, definition, and raw strength, without unwanted water retention and fat mass gains. Power, pump, and bulk is the motto of PHARMA 3 TREN.

混合诺龙 NOLT 300

混合诺龙,NOLT 300。An analogy of a Sustanon® blend for nandrolone, PHARMA NOLT 300 contains 4 esters to provide a fast yet extended release of nandrolone, imparting the benefits of both other nandrolone products we carry.



环已群勃龙-TREN H100

环已群勃龙TREN H 100 (Trenbolone hexahydrobenzylcarbonate) – the most efficient form of the most effective drug ever manufactured. It is highly valued for its ability to increase muscle hardness, definition, and raw strength, without unwanted water retention and fat mass gains. It is a longer acting form of trenbolone compared to PHARMATREN A 100. With a half-life of about 6 days, it has slow release intended for long cycles.

环戊丙酸睾酮|TEST C250|Pharmacom

Pharmacom的环戊丙酸睾酮TEST C250是一种高效的长效睾酮,专为持续稳定释放睾酮而设计,以支持持久的肌肉增长和整体力量提升。TEST C250适合于那些寻求有效提升训练表现和加速恢复过程的运动员和健身爱好者。其稳定的睾酮释放曲线有助于维持最优的荷尔蒙平衡,从而改善训练质量并加速身体恢复。


生长激素,pharmatropin,also known as somatotropin or somatropin, is a peptide hormone that stimulates growth, cell reproduction and regeneration in humans and other animals. It is a type of mitogen which is specific only to certain kinds of cells. Growth hormone is a 191-amino acid, single-chain polypeptide that is synthesized, stored, and secreted by somatotropic cells within the lateral wings of the anterior pituitary gland. Many factors influence the release of Human Growth Hormone, however, including nutrition and exercise.


甲基屈他雄酮,DROLOS,Methyldrostanolone is scientifically known as Superdrol and it is arguably the most effective and potent oral anabolic steroid to be utilized over the last decade. Superdol is very similar to Masteron, with the only difference being that Masteron though is lacking an ester chain. The name Superdrol is a combination of the words “super” and “anadrol”.