
Genengin的MGF(Mechano Growth Factor)是一种先进的肽类激素,专门设计用于促进肌肉生长和修复。这种强效的生长因子通过模拟运动后肌肉的自然修复过程,加速肌肉细胞的增殖和分化,从而帮助增加肌肉体积和改善肌肉恢复时间。MGF的独特配方使其成为追求快速肌肉增长和优化恢复过程的运动员和健身爱好者的理想选择。投资于Genengin的MGF,体验科学与自然共同带来的力量提升效果。

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Mechano growth factor (MGF) is a novel splice variant of the Insulin-Like Growth Factor-1 (IGF-1), also known as IGF-1 Ec in humans and IGF-1Eb in rodents. It is actually originally called MGF because the RNA form of it is expressed in muscle tissues in response to the overload or/and damage of muscle growth tissue. The C-terminal peptide of the mechano growth factor (MGF) is a crucial region for the alternative splicing of the peptide. The alternative splicing in the MGF is brought about by the shift in the reading frame in which a specific C-terminal sequence (E-domain) is encoded by exon 5 and the first part of the exon 6. Another interesting point in MGF is that, because of the E domain it contains, MGF can act on muscles independently from the rest of the molecule. Furthermore, MGF can elicit very different effects with mGF promoting satellite cells proliferation and IGF-1 inducing differentiation.

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