
购买特力补,TURINABOL, Genengin是一种合成类固醇类药物,通常被运动员和健身者用来增加肌肉质量、提高力量和耐力,并改善身体外观。它可以促进蛋白质合成,增加肌肉细胞的体积,同时减少脂肪堆积,从而使肌肉更加突出和有定义。Turinabol is a steroid developed during the early 60s. It has a predominantly anabolic effect which combined with a relatively low androgenic component.  Weight and muscle mass. Rather the achievable results manifest themselves in a solid muscle gain and if taken over several weeks, also good in strength gain.

Each tablet also contains lactose monohydrate, sodium starch glycolate, polyvidone 25,000, microcrystalline cellulose and magnesium stearate as excipients.

分类: 标签:

4- Chloromethandienone

Molecular Formula: C20H27ClO2

Molecular Weight: 334.88 gm/mol

Active life: 6-8 hours

Detection Time: up to 6 weeks


TURINABOL, brand of 4- Chloromethandienone tablets. Turinabol is a steroid developed during the early 60s. It has a predominantly anabolic effect which combined with a relatively low androgenic component.  Weight and muscle mass. Rather the achievable results manifest themselves in a solid muscle gain and if taken over several weeks, also good in strength gain.

Each tablet also contains lactose monohydrate, sodium starch glycolate, polyvidone 25,000, microcrystalline cellulose and magnesium stearate as excipients. 

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