水剂睾酮 TESTS100
水剂睾酮|TESTO-SUS 100|悬浮睾酮 - Meditech
水剂睾酮|悬浮睾酮|TEST 100|Pharmacom
水剂睾酮|悬浮睾酮|TEST 100|Pharmacom (Testosterone base) is pure testosterone with no ester attached. Its half-life is only 2 hours! This is the most potent form of testosterone available. PHARMATEST 100 has a reputation for being used as pre-workout stimulant to increase aggression and power for extreme training sessions and competition. Please notice, this is not oil, but a water suspension.
水剂群勃龙 Androxine
Trenbolone Aq Suspension 50mgIndications
Androxine is indicated in treatment of severe muscular dystrophy and severe unrelated muscular catabolism as well as acute growth failure.
Each carton contains 10 ampoules of 1ml (50mg/1ml) Note : As per June 2014 the primary packaging has been changed to amber coloured ampoules.水剂群勃龙 TREN 50
注射大力补|Alphabolin|Alpha Pharma
注射大力补|Alphabolin|Alpha Pharma
该产品为口服大力补的针剂形式,化学名Methenolone Enanthate 100mg IndicationsAlphabolin is indicated for treatment of aplastic anaemia which are or may be responsive to anabolic androgens, cachexia and replacement therapy for males with androgenic deficiencies.
Presentation Each carton contains 5 ampoules of 1ml (100mg/ml) or one vial of 10ml (100mg/ml)