显示 55-63 个结果(共 195 个结果)


丙酸屈他雄酮,MASTERON-P,Genengin brand of drostanolone propionate. Drostanolone propionate is a steroid compound that is described chemically as 17β-Hydroxy-2α-methyl-


MASTERON-P is a sterile solution of drostanolone propionate in Miglyol 840, Ethyl oleate, Benzyl benzoate, Benzyl alcohol.

MASTERON-P is a synthetic derivative of dihydrotestosterone, producing an anabolic effect and promoting protein synthesis as well as creating positive nitrogen balance in humans. Since it is a derivative of dihydrotestosterone, drostanolone does not aromatize to estrogens.

MASTERON-P has significant anabolic and androgenic properties promoting an increase in strength and growth of muscle tissue while acting as an estrogen antagonist.



丙酸睾酮 TEST-P100



规格:100mg x 10ml

用量:300-500mg  /周




丙酸睾酮|T-PROP|Meditech,英文名TESTOSTERONE PROPIONATE Fast-acting testosterone ester. Great for strength and mass. Perfect for beginner, natural hormone.
Potency : 100 mg / ml
Appearance : Oil based solution
Dosage : 200 mg EOD
Packing : Supplied in a clear 10ml glass vial with red flip-off cap & labeled box

丙酸睾酮|TEST P100|Pharmacom

丙酸睾酮|TEST P100|Pharmacom (Testosterone Propionate) is one of top-selling products of Pharmacom Labs. It is highly recommended as the base of both mass building and cutting cycles. Testosterone is responsible for promoting health and well-being through enhanced libido, energy, immunity, increased fat loss, gaining and maintaining lean muscle mass, preventing Osteoporosis (loss of bone density), and possible protection against heart disease. It combines excellently with many other compounds both oral and injectable (preferably short esters) as part of a potent stack. 

With a half-life of around 1-1.5 days, it is a fast release ester, excellent for shorter cycles and for minimizing bloat.

丙酸诺龙|Nandro|Alpha Pharma


丙酸诺龙|Nandro|Alpha Pharma,化学名Nandrolone Propionate 100mg


丙酸诺龙Nandro is indicated for treatment of anemia's, breast carcinoma, hereditary angioedema, antithrombin III deficiency, fibrinogen excess, growth failure and Turner's syndrome and prophylaxis of hereditary angioedema.


Each carton contains 5 or 10 ampoules of 1ml (100mg/ml).




规格:20mg x 100粒

用量:20-40mg  /天



他莫昔芬,NOLVADEX, Genengin brand of tamoxifen tablets. Tamoxifen is a medication that is used to prevent breast cancer in women and treat breast cancer in women and men.It is also being studied for other types of cancer. It has been used for Albright syndrome. Tamoxifen is typically taken daily by mouth for five years for breast cancer. It is a selective estrogen-receptor modulator (SERM) and works by decreasing the growth of breast cancer cells.

Each tablet also contains lactose monohydrate, sodium starch glycolate, polyvidone 25,000, microcrystalline cellulose and magnesium stearate as excipients.