混合群勃龙 3-TREN-200
混合群勃龙 PHARMA 3 TREN 200 is a blend of 3 trenbolone esters: acetate, enanthateand hexahydrobenzylcarbonate. One vial – three forms of the most aggressive drug ever manufactured. It is highly valued for its ability to increase muscle hardness, definition, and raw strength, without unwanted water retention and fat mass gains.
Power, pump, and bulk is the motto of PHARMA 3 TREN.
混合群勃龙 PHARMA 3 TREN 200 is a blend of 3 trenbolone esters: acetate, enanthateand hexahydrobenzylcarbonate. One vial – three forms of the most aggressive drug ever manufactured. It is highly valued for its ability to increase muscle hardness, definition, and raw strength, without unwanted water retention and fat mass gains.
Power, pump, and bulk is the motto of PHARMA 3 TREN.
庚酸美替诺龙|注射美替|PRIM 100|Pharmacom
环已群勃龙-TREN H100
苯丙酸诺龙-NAN PH100
苯丙酸诺龙,PHARMA NAN PH 100 (Nandrolone phenylpropionate) perfectly suits those seeking quality muscle bulk gain. It gets into work fast and combines well with boldenone and short form testosterones. Many athletes use the product to eliminate painful sensations in joints.
With a half-life of around 2-3 days, it is relatively much faster form of PHARMA NAN D 300 and perfectly suits for shorter cycles.