庚酸屈他雄酮|DRO E200|Pharmacom
Pharmacom的庚酸屈他雄酮Dro E200是一种强效的类固醇,专为增加肌肉硬度和提升力量而设计。每毫升含有200毫克drostanolone enanthate,通过其显著的合成代谢特性和抗雌激素效应,帮助用户在保持瘦肌肉的同时减少体脂。其长效酯确保持续释放,提供持久的效果。体验卓越的肌肉增强和体能提升效果。
庚酸屈他雄酮 PHARMADRO E 200 is our brand name for drostanolone enanthate 200 mg/ml. It is designed to provide an extended release of drostanolone without frequent injections needed. This product has the same effect as drostanolone propionate, but has a longer half-life of about 4.5-5 days. It is perfect for long cycles to ensure high quality lean muscle bulk and dense look without excess subcutaneous water retention typical found with long esters. It combines well with long-acting testosterone and trenbolone esters (PHARMATEST E 300, E 500, C 250; PHARMATREN E 200, H 100).
Pharmacom大力补,Methandienone (also known as methandrostenolone, Dbol, dianabol) is an orally-effective anabolic steroid originally developed in Germany and released in the US in the early 1960s by Ciba Specialty Chemicals. This is a derivative from testosterone, one of the most popular steroid compounds in the world and the second steroid (after testosterone) ever produced. Methandienone promotes dramatic increases in protein synthesis, glycogenolysis, and muscle strength over a short space of time.
It also has the effect of decreasing the steroid's affinity for sex hormone binding globulin. As a result, methandrostenolone is significantly more active than an equivalent quantity of testosterone, resulting in rapid growth of muscle tissue. However, the concomitant elevation in estrogen levels - a result of the aromatization of methandrostenolone - results in significant water retention. Hence, do not forget to perform blood works and use an aromatase inhibitor.
In summary, this is a very good drug, and a potent tool for quick gains or retaining gains when used properly and safely.
托瑞米芬,Farestos (active agent - toremifene citrate) is a selective estrogen receptor modulator (SERM) derived from triphenylethylene. Toremifene was patented and approved in Europe in the mid 1990's to treat metastatic ER+ breast cancer in postmenopausal women.
In bodybuilding, toremifene citrate is used by men as a drug for post-cycle therapy (PCT) to counteract and/or block some of the effects of excessive estradiol in the body obtained through aromatization of various androgens used. Toremifene is used particularly to restore levels of endogenous testosterone in blood, as well as to prevent the estrogen-related side effect of gynecomastia.
注射康复龙 OXY50
注射康复龙,Oxymetholone (also known as anapolon or anadrol) is a very drastic synthetic steroid, 17-alpha-alkylated modification of dihydrotestosterone. It was developed for the treatment of osteoporosis and anaemia, as well as to stimulate muscle gain in malnourished and debilitated patients. Oxymetholone has been approved by the American Food and Drug Administration (FDA) for use in humans. Later there where created non-steroidal drugs that effectively could treat anaemia and osteoporosis; because of this anapolon lost his popularity and by 1993 Syntex decided to cease the production of the drug, as well as other manufacturers did.