庚酸屈他雄酮|DRO E200|Pharmacom

Pharmacom的庚酸屈他雄酮Dro E200是一种强效的类固醇,专为增加肌肉硬度和提升力量而设计。每毫升含有200毫克drostanolone enanthate,通过其显著的合成代谢特性和抗雌激素效应,帮助用户在保持瘦肌肉的同时减少体脂。其长效酯确保持续释放,提供持久的效果。体验卓越的肌肉增强和体能提升效果。

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庚酸屈他雄酮 PHARMADRO E 200 is our brand name for drostanolone enanthate 200 mg/ml. It is designed to provide an extended release of drostanolone without frequent injections needed. This product  has the same effect as drostanolone propionate, but has a longer half-life of about 4.5-5 days. It is perfect for long cycles to ensure high quality lean muscle bulk and dense look without excess subcutaneous water retention typical found with long esters. It combines well with long-acting testosterone and trenbolone esters (PHARMATEST E 300, E 500, C 250; PHARMATREN E 200, H 100).

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