甲基屈他雄酮,DROLOS,Methyldrostanolone is scientifically known as Superdrol and it is arguably the most effective and potent oral anabolic steroid to be utilized over the last decade. Superdol is very similar to Masteron, with the only difference being that Masteron though is lacking an ester chain. The name Superdrol is a combination of the words “super” and “anadrol”.
甲基屈他雄酮,DROLOS,Methyldrostanolone is scientifically known as Superdrol and it is arguably the most effective and potent oral anabolic steroid to be utilized over the last decade. Superdol is very similar to Masteron, with the only difference being that Masteron though is lacking an ester chain. The name Superdrol is a combination of the words “super” and “anadrol”. Superdrol is an awesome steroid for bulking, though some bodybuilders also use it as part of their cut as it yields very dry and hard gains with no bloating or water retention. It was created back in the 1950s by doctors who were looking to create a drug to destroy tumors. Sadly, this wasn’t achievable, but they did find that the oral steroid promoted huge increases in lean muscle mass and strength. However, Superdol wasn’t released until 2005.
托瑞米芬,Farestos (active agent - toremifene citrate) is a selective estrogen receptor modulator (SERM) derived from triphenylethylene. Toremifene was patented and approved in Europe in the mid 1990's to treat metastatic ER+ breast cancer in postmenopausal women.
In bodybuilding, toremifene citrate is used by men as a drug for post-cycle therapy (PCT) to counteract and/or block some of the effects of excessive estradiol in the body obtained through aromatization of various androgens used. Toremifene is used particularly to restore levels of endogenous testosterone in blood, as well as to prevent the estrogen-related side effect of gynecomastia.