环戊丙酸睾酮|TEST C250|Pharmacom
Pharmacom的环戊丙酸睾酮TEST C250是一种高效的长效睾酮,专为持续稳定释放睾酮而设计,以支持持久的肌肉增长和整体力量提升。TEST C250适合于那些寻求有效提升训练表现和加速恢复过程的运动员和健身爱好者。其稳定的睾酮释放曲线有助于维持最优的荷尔蒙平衡,从而改善训练质量并加速身体恢复。
环戊丙酸睾酮,TEST C250 (Testosterone Cypionate),Pharmacom is one of the best mass building anabolics known to man and is a highly recommended as the base of any mass building cycle. Testosterone is responsible for promoting health and well-being through enhanced libido, energy, immunity, increased fat loss, gaining and maintaining lean muscle mass, preventing Osteoporosis (loss of bone density), and possible protection against heart disease. It combines excellently with many other compounds both oral and injectable as part of a potent stack.
With a half-life of around 5.5-6 days, it is a slow release ester, similar to PHARMA TEST E 300 (Testosterone Enanthate).
代卡300-NAN D300
代卡300,PHARMA NAN D 300 (Nandrolone decanoate) is considered to be a classic drug for muscle bulk gain. Due to significant retention of water in muscles during the cycle, bulk growth occurs to be significantly faster. Combines well with long esters of testosterone.
With a half-life of around 6-7 days, it has slow release intended for long cycles.